A limited release three-pack of Hogsworth Bourbon from rye whiskey revolutionary, Raj Peter Bhakta.


I created a famous rye whiskey brand, sold it, and severed all ties. But I remained fond of pigs. My work felt incomplete —and American whiskey needs a shakeup. So I present Hogsworth. It is the finest bottle you’ll find — at even ten times the price. Taste and see.

Hogsworth marries America’s best bourbons with exquisite Armagnacs from France — some over forty years old. Older, richer, more complex. This is what it means to get your Hogsworth. Now go get yours! OINK OINK.

- Raj Peter Bhakta

The Antidote to Bourbon Boredom

interested in carrying Hogsworth?

Apply today to be one of the first to carry this groundbreaking Bourbon & Armagnac blend.

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Available online and locally across the United States.